Everyone is on edge.
Fear. Anger. Rage.
Helplessness. Hopelessness.
The battle rages and the fires burn hot.
And the tongue is a fire,
a world of iniquity
so is the tongue
among our members,
that it defiles the whole body
and sets on fire the course of nature;
and it is set on fire of hell. James 3:6
The country, the world, is set ablaze
by the tongues of the careless,
the ruthless, the devious,
the despicable, the deplorable.
spewing fire at one another.
Dragons who fight to lead,
Scaly, shifty, demons,
Drag them behind them
with long spiky tails.
The dragons stand on platforms.
Platforms that stand for what?
Life, Rights under God, justice, patriotism
Self serving choice, tolerance, globalism
What a testimony of ignominy,
That a once great nation is divided
The dark made light,
The light made dark.
Both represented by dragons.
Where are the dragon slayers?
The noble hearts with noble quests
ready in the whole armor of God?
Not to conquer with flaming tongues,
But with loving truth and deeds that
Stand where Governments fail,
and darkness would seem to prevail.
Tame the tongue ablaze with rage,
Spend time on the knees,
Seeking the Heart of God
And the taming of dragons.
Stand in faith for what is right,
Walk the talk, take the heat.
Offering cool cups of living water,
Some will drink
and quench their thirst,
and quench their thirst,
and the dragon tongues
will morph to bless.
will morph to bless.
Others will refuse
and cling to the fire,
and cling to the fire,
For dragon power is
all consuming.
all consuming.
Will the dragon wars come to an end
When one dragon remains victor?
Once the fires are set,
An often long battle ensues
To douse and snuff them out.
Taming tongues and battling their blazes.
Noble men and women with servants hearts
Must come forward and be chosen
To replace the dragons that would lead,
If this Nation and its citizens are to remain free.